Calling All HARK Friends - Special COVID-19 Message

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Hello, HARK friends!

Like all of you, like everyone else, we at HARK have been deeply affected by the tremendous changes that COVID-19 has brought into our lives. How we work has changed, how we play has changed, how we travel has changed, how we shop has changed, how we interact with each other and the world has changed.

Some things have not changed, though.

Children still get sick.

Children still go to the hospital.

And children’s spirits are still lifted by art and music.

Although some of our programs are suspended for the time being, we are still bringing in art and music supplies to CHLA at their request. For these children who are doubly isolated, both by their own illness and by social distancing, the opportunity to make art and be creative is even more impactful and valuable.

HARK is committed to continuing to bring art, music and creativity to these children in every way that we can. 

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, we depend on our fundraisers during the year to purchase the materials for these kids to participate in our art and music programs and to support art therapy programs at CHLA. But, like everyone else, our typical ways of fundraising through art shows, Rock For HARK concert shows and other benefits where people get together to have a good time for a great cause are no longer an option. 

Our kids, though, need us more than ever.

So, we with HARK would like to ask you, our friends, to partner with us in any way you can to help us get these supplies to CHLA. 

We are exploring all sorts of options to help us connect and fundraise, and we’ll be starting with an online silent auction to take the place of our annual Cinco de Mayo event. We’ll have art for sale, and some great special items for auction. And of course, if you would rather just donate, you can do that, too.

We know that things are tough on everyone right now. But no donation is too small to make a difference, and there are plenty of ways you can help

You can become a HARK member, tell people about us, share us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and come volunteer with us (online for now!) We would love to connect with you, and to have you on our side helping us keep our carts filled with art supplies for these kids would mean so much.

We’ll have more information in the coming days about our Cinco de Mayo Online Silent Auction (starting, of course, on May 5th), and some VERY special music events we are planning, so please check back with us! 

With your help, we are looking forward to finding new ways to keep HARK bringing creativity, fun, and healing to CHLA until we can be hands-on with our sick children once again.

With much love and thanks, your friends at HARK